
I've always struggled with classes and this one is no exception.

I'm working in an SGML file and I want to renumber a couple of elements
in the hierarchy based on the previous level.


My document looks like this

<level1>A. Title Text
<level2>1. Title Text
<level2>1. Title Text
<level2>1. Title Text
<level1>B. Title Text
<level2>1. Title Text
<level2>1. Title Text

but I want to change the numbering of the second level to sequential
numbers like 1, 2, 3, etc. so my output would look like this

<level1>A. Title Text
<level2>1. Title Text
<level2>2. Title Text
<level2>3. Title Text
<level1>B. Title Text
<level2>1. Title Text
<level2>2. Title Text

This is what I've come up with on my own but it doesn't work. I was
hoping someone could critique this and point me in the right or better




def Fix(m):

     new = m.group(1)

     class ReplacePtSubNumber(object):

          def __init__(self):
               self._count = 0
               self._ptsubtwo_re = re.compile(r'<pt-sub2
no=\"[0-9]\">', re.IGNORECASE| re.UNICODE)
              # self._ptsubone_re = re.compile(r'<pt-sub1',

          def sub(self, new):
               return self._ptsubtwo_re.sub(self._ptsubNum, new)

          def _ptsubNum(self, match):
               self._count +=1
               return '<pt-sub2 no="%s">' % (self._count)

     new = ReplacePtSubNumber().sub(new)
     return '<pt-sub1%s<pt-sub1' % (new)

data = re.sub(r'(?i)(?m)(?s)<pt-sub1(.*?)<pt-sub1', Fix, data)


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