On 2006-03-07, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Serial ports aren't trivial, and combining them with a GUI
> program written by a rookie is a pretty big order.  You can
> learn enough to figure this out, but it will be lots of work
> and a challenge.  If you're up to it, please go read that "how
> to ask smart questions" page thoroughly if you haven't
> already,

There's even an Itialian translation:


> realizing that we're not trying to be rude by asking you to
> read it, and pay attention when someone asks you to try out
> different things, such as posting a small program that
> reproduces the problem, or post all the code rather than just
> snippets.  Good luck.)

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  ... Just enough
                                  at               time to do my LIBERACE
                               visi.com            impression...

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