Hi I hope someone can help me out with a very SIMPLE program about whole string permutations. That is: given a list of strings, the required outcome is a complete set of all their possible permutations. It's like character permutations of a string, but this time it is whole strings instead of single characters that have to be permuted.
I need this because I don't remember exactly the password to open my zipped archives, but i do remember the bits of strings that made up the long passphrase. Could someone kindly write a simple program that, after reading a set of strings contained in a .txt file (one string on each line), produces as output another .txt file containing all the possible permutations/combinations of those strings. For example, the text file with the set of strings may contain: HOUSE jolly --- 0& 99 and the output file contains: HOUSE HOUSEjolly HOUSE--- HOUSE0& and so on... ...with the word combinations growing extensively, so as to exhaust all the possibilities: e.g. ---99jolly0& jolly0&---99HOUSE etc. etc. Unfortunately I am not able to program it myself, so I would appreciate if someone could write this piece of software, compile it (for DOS or Windows) and send the .exe file to: lory88 at gmail . com I thank you all in advance. Lory -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list