i am SURE i am using the wrong terminology... but what i would like to do is something like this:
pageContent=''' {toc} h1. Header Section h2. Date: {metadata:date}'''+date+'''{metatdata} h2. Author: {metadata:author}Len Sweet{metadata} h1. Exegesis {metadata:exegesis}'''+exegesis+'''{metadata} h1. Text Alive {metadata:textalive}'''+textAlive+'''{metadata} h1. Illustrations, Illuminations, Animations: {metadata:illustrations}'''+illustrations+'''{metadata} h1. Worship Resources ''' but rather than have: '''+variable+''' have something a little cleaner.. in php, you can do something like text="this is text where variable = {variable}"; can you do something like that in python? thanks! -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list