Frank Millman wrote:
 > There is a server component and a client component. All the business
 > logic is performed on the server.

Oh, what a give-away. If the logic is in the server, then the
client component should probably be the user's chosen web browser.

 > The client communicates with the
 > server via a socket. The server is multi-threaded - one thread per
 > connection.
 > The server receives messages from the client, and responds as quickly
 > as possible. Sometimes it must respond by asking the client a question.

 > The server performs field-by-field validation - it does not wait for
 > the entire form to be submitted, but validates the data as soon as it
 > has been entered.

The modern way is to let the browser do the first cut at
validation and confirmation. Upon submit, the server
re-validates for security.

 > Now I have decided that, in some circumstances, I want the server to
 > ask the client a question before returning True or False - it could be
 > as simple as "Are you sure?".

Simple checks such as "are you sure" can almost always be handled at
the browser. Nevertheless, the problem you note is quite real...

 > This throws a large spanner into the
 > above scheme. Each caller cannot be sure whether the callee (?) will
 > return quickly or not, so it cannot afford to wait for a reply,
 > otherwise it may block. The only solution I can think of looks like
 > this -

Right. The server should go into a state where it can accept
the answer, among other things. Building interactive apps that
don't suck requires some sophistication in managing state.


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