Marcin Mielżyński wrote:
> Sandra-24 wrote:
>> I was reading over some python code recently, and I saw something like
>> this:
>> contents = open(file).read()
>> And of course you can also do:
>> open(file, "w").write(obj)
>> Why do they no close the files? Is this sloppy programming or is the
>> file automatically closed when the reference is destroyed (after this
>> line)? I usually use:
>> try:
>>   f = open(file)
>>   contents =
>> finally:
>>   f.close()
> this above is equivalent to:
> open(file){|f|
> }
> the logic taking care of everything is encapsulated in open.
> but can be done in less ruby way way :)
> lopex

Oops I thought I was writing to c.l.ruby :D

sorry for spam


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