thanks for the webpage info, however theres a small error I found when trying to generate a prime number with more than 300 decimal digits. It comes up with
File "", line 84, in mod_square_pow return x*mod_square_pow(((a**2)%n),t,n,p*2) File "", line 84, in mod_square_pow return x*mod_square_pow(((a**2)%n),t,n,p*2) File "", line 73, in mod_square_pow if(p*2>t): RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp Have you considered this? otherwise the algorithm is rather quick for generating large random prime numbers. Thanks for your help Tuvas wrote: >Okay, I don't know if your farmiliar with the miller-rabin primality >test, but it's what's called a probabalistic test. Meaning that trying >it out once can give fake results. For instance, if you use the number >31 to test if 561 is prime, you will see the results say that it isn't. >Mathematically, the most possible wrong answers is 1/4th of the >numbers. Thus, one should try at least 10 times (A very standard value) >in order to ensure that the number is not a psuedoprime, but indeed a >real prime number. That was the intent of the loop of 10 without using >the number. > >If this test fails, it will chose another random number to test. > >I could easily test with several small numbers, at least primes up to >20 would greatly reduce the number of miller-rabin tests to perform, >and would speed up the process considerably. Might as well toss it in. > >Thanks for the tip on the urandom. I knew there had to be a better >random number generator somewhere. I saw lots of stuff for os specific, >but I'm trying to develop this as os independent. > > > --