Paul Rubin wrote:
> James Stroud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>approach. Basically this is reverse engineering the interface from the
>>>source at the time of writing the app.
>>This is using the source as documentation, there is no law against
> That's completely bogus.  Undocumented interfaces in the library
> source are allowed to change between Python versions and across Python
> implementations.  If you write your application according to the
> documented interfaces in the Python manual, it should not break when
> someone upgrades to the next Python release.  You should not have to
> depend on undocumented aspects of the Python implementation which
> change out of sync with the application.

My suggestion was to use some common sense about the source code and 
apply it. I've wasted many hours programming to faulty documentation 
when a quick peek at the source code would have saved some serious time. 
   How do you think I happened accross the technique?

I would wager that, in 10 years time, the urllib2 module will not raise 
any exceptions that don't inheret from urllib2.URLError or a built-in 
(i.e. documented) exception; unless, of course, someone made a change in 
a deliberate attempt to win said wager ;o)

>>How things are and how things should be have always been 2 entirely
>>different things. See early books by Robert J. Ringer for a more
>>complete discussion.
> That's like saying programs shouldn't have bugs, but they often do
> anyway.  It doesn't mean the bugs are a good thing or that they
> shouldn't be fixed.

The original reference was to the internet, which seems vast in its 
sources of unforseen peril. If some gracious soul aspires to fix every 
bug in the internet, I invite him to be my guest.


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