> hi
> wish to ask a qns on strip
> i wish to strip all spaces in front of a line (in text file)
> f = open("textfile","rU")
> while (1):
>         line = f.readline().strip()
>         if line == '':
>                 break
>         print line
> f.close()
> in "textfile", i added some spaces in and then ran the code, it prints
> out the lines without the spaces in front. I double checked "textfile"
> and it does contains some lines with spaces in front.
> Is it true that "readline().strip()" perform the removing of spaces in
> front of a line as well? Is it documented anywhere?
> I am using Windows environment. thanks
If you are using Windows then navigate to Start | All Programs | Python 
2.4 | Python Manuals. Click the "Index" tab and enter "strip".

You will see that there is a strip() function in module string, and that 
strings have a .strip() method.

This is called "Reading the Documentation". Do it more. Your time is no 
more valuable than that of those who help on this list. Please try to 
respect it by answering questions as best you can *before* resorting to 
the list.

That way you'll continue to be a welcome visitor.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd                 www.holdenweb.com
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