John Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev:

> John Salerno wrote:
>> John Coleman wrote:
>>> John Coleman wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>>    I am currently trying to learn Python through the excellent
>>>> "Learning Python" book.
>> me too!
>>> It isn't just #hash, but also things like #dict, #int, #len at the
>>> start of a comment line which defeats IDLE's colorization algorithm.
>>> Interestingly, things like #while or #for behave as expected so it
>>> seems to be built-ins rather than keywords which are the problem. To
>>> answer my own question - this is pretty clearly a (harmless) bug.
>> also notice that putting a space after # stops the problem
> How do you like Python so far? I like dictionary objects the best so
> far. I'm coming to Python from VBScript, so I already knew the value
> of such things, but in Python they are better supported.
> Here is the program I was talking about, which *really* shows the
> power of dictionaries:
> #Python program to discover word with most 1-word anagrams


I think this simpler version of letter_hash should work too:

def letter_hash(word):
    w = [c for c in word]
    return "".join(w)


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