Hi jojoba. I work with wxPython too but cannot answer this question. There is an active and friendly community of wxPython users on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Robin Dunn, the lead person behind wxPython and others provide excellent advice and support on this list. Regards, David jojoba wrote: > Hi > I currently am using an activex wrapper in wxpython to embed Internet > Explorer in a wxPanel: > > IEmodule=win32com.client.gencache.EnsureModule('{EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}', > 0,1,1) > InternetExplorerActiveXClass = MakeActiveXClass(IEmodule.WebBrowser, > eventObj = self) > self.WebBrowser = InternetExplorerActiveXClass(self, > -1) > > (where self is a wx.Panel) > > That was ok. > However, I am creating multiple of these activex webbrowsers and > putting them in a wx.Notebook, one per page (where each page is a > wx.Panel). > On each page, i load a different .xls excel file: > > self.WebBrowser.Navigate2(excelFilePath) > > Great. All the files load fine. > Ok, here's the weird part. > When i choose among the different tabs for the wx.Notebook, I can see > all the excel files fine. I can go into each and edit them too. But for > some reason, i can't get focus away from the last-loaded excel file. > That is, I can really only see the cursor flashing in a worksheet excel > if and only if i am in the last-loaded excel file. > > I tried self.WebBrowser.Document.Application.Workbooks[0].Activate() to > activate another workbook (representing a different .xls file) but i > get a win32com error saying the "Workbook Activate method failed" > > Is there any way for me to get out of this? Does anyone have any idea > how to bring other workbooks into focus using this activex scheme? Or > am i approaching this from the completely wrong angle? > > thanks to anyone who can get past this madness, > jojoba > -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list