Lonnie Princehouse wrote:
> I plan on writing some documentation that will consist of blocks of
> commentary with interspersed snippets of syntax-colored Python code and
> the occaisional image.
> Does anyone know of a package that will take a high level description
> of what I just described and auto-generate clean-looking web pages,
> including syntax coloring?   I'm already using epydoc for API reference
> generation; what I'm looking for here is just something to help out
> with the narrative so I don't have to spend lots of time fiddling with

The Python wiki http://wiki.python.org/moin/FrontPage uses moinmoin
and their pages contain syntax highlighted (highlit? ;) ) Python code.

Of course, there's always source-highlight
which you may be able to work into your current solution with
a little glue.

In fact, come to think of it, if your editor is up to snuff, you
could simply paste the code into your html doc, select that code
in the editor, then filter it through source-highlight in-place.
I use NEdit and I think that could do it easily.

(remove zeez if demunging email address)

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