Don Taylor wrote:

> I am puzzled about the following piece of code which attempts to create
> a class that can be used as record or struct with a limited set of
> allowed attributes that can be set into an instance of the class.
> I don't understand why I cannot set an attribute 'age' into record1.

First advice (which also appears in the documentation): stay away from using
__slots__.  It may seem like a good idea at first, but my experience has
taught me that it will cause problems, sooner or later (apparently sooner
for you).

I might be a little confused about a couple of things (I'm sure many will
correct me if I'm not), but as I understand it the __slots__ attribute is a
class-attribute, which means it cannot be modified by an instance of the
class (think of a "static" class member, if you know C++).

IMHO, __slots__ is unpythonic.  Many others have stated so on the list. 
That's why it's great that you're free to ignore that variable.  I suggest
that you do so (as I have chosen to do).  I'm sure that there are
situations where you *MUST* have this kind of capability, but I haven't
bumped into them yet.

Steve Juranich
Tucson, AZ


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