You are a very silly person. You have tripped so many of my internet bullshit triggers that I think perhaps you are trolling. All languages alter the way you think. They structure the nature of questions you can ask, and problems you can solve.
Do you understand 'Zen', by which I mean, have you devoted at least 5 years of study (real, 5+ hrs/week studdy) to it? (btw, I have not). If your answer is no, then you are just using this to be cool. And if you can say 'no value judgment is intended by my classification', you have absolutely no right to talk about the nature of language, let alone go about labeling things 'Zen languages'. Honestly, classification is an act of valuation, it requires an introspective assesment of your personal language system. This stuff is _old_, not new, not novell. Go read a book. Like this one: --