Hi all, i m trying to make an editable list with a toggle button, it shows up and i can edit the list.. but its editing the wrong cell!
If i click on the toggle button on the first cell it sets FALSE on the last cell of that row, if i change the text of the last cell if changes another cell text... here is my code: tree = self.principal.get_widget("file_list") list = gtk.ListStore(str, str) #Permite selecionar os arquivos toggle = gtk.CellRendererToggle() toggle.set_property('activatable', True) tree.insert_column_with_attributes(-1, "Convert?", toggle) toggle.connect('toggled', self.Select, tree) #permite editar a lista renderer = gtk.CellRendererText() renderer.set_property( 'editable', True ) renderer.connect('edited', self.Edit, list) tree.insert_column_with_attributes(-1, "Artist", renderer, text=0) tree.insert_column_with_attributes(-1, "Song", renderer, text=1) tree.set_model(list) def Select(self,cell,path,model): model[path][1] = not model[path][1] return def Edit(self, cell, path, new_text, model): model[path][0] = new_text What's wrong with it? i m following this example: http://pygtk.org/pygtk2tutorial/sec-CellRenderers.html#EditableTextCells thanx in advance -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list