On 2006-02-25, Steve Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> [Aahz]
>>>>>And who is "me", anyway?
>> [me]
>>>>It's hard to believe that you don't understand who "me" is in
>>>>a conversation between two people,
>> [Grant Edwards]
>>>Since when is a Usenet news group a conversation between two
>> Now there are three. At that time only two people had participated in 
>> this thread.
>> Is there really confusion about who "me" is? I find that
>> mystifying.
> Well, *I* know who "me" is. That makes you an impostor.
> see-how-nobody-knows-who-you-are-now-ly y'rs  - steve

And now none of us have any way to know who the [me] above is.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Hmmm... a CRIPPLED
                                  at               ACCOUNTANT with a FALAFEL
                               visi.com            sandwich is HIT by a

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