Rene Pijlman wrote:
> Chad Whitacre:
>>I am pleased to announce the first public release of httpy -- a sane and 
>>robust HTTP library for Python. With httpy, you write "responders," and 
>>put them on the network with "couplers." Here is a trivial responder:
>>  import httpy
>>  class Responder:
>>    def respond(request):
>>      raise httpy.Response(200, "Greetings, program!")
>>And here is how to couple it:
>>  responder = Responder()
>>  coupler = httpy.couplers.StandAlone(responder)
>>  coupler.go()
>>httpy is so amazing, in fact, that with it I was able to write an entire 
>>wiki in only 20 seconds!
> Now that's what I call a short learning curve. So can this replace Zope
> then? Or mod_python? Apache? CGI? All of those?
The example given does not run on my system:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "", line 7, in ?
     coupler = httpy.couplers.StandAlone(responder)
line 36, in __init__
     responder = add_api(responder, root, uri)
   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\httpy\couplers\", line 
24, in add_api
     verifyObject(IResponder, responder, tentative=True)
   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\httpy\_zope\interface\", 
line 96, in verifyObject
     return _verify(iface, candidate, tentative, vtype='o')
   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\httpy\_zope\interface\", 
line 88, in _verify
     raise BrokenMethodImplementation(name, mess)
httpy._zope.interface.exceptions.BrokenMethodImplementation: The 
implementation of respond violates its contract
         because implementation doesn't allow enough arguments.

What are the requirements? Zope?


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