Hi all,

I've spent all morning trying to work this one out:

I've got the following string:


from which I'm attempting to extract the date, and the five times from
into a list. Only the very last time is guaranteed to be there so it
should also work for a line like:


My Python regular expression to match that is currently:

digs = re.compile(
r'<td>(\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4})</td>.*?(?:<td>(\d+\:\d+)</td>).*$' )

which first extracts the date into group 1
then matches the tags between the date and the first instance of a time
into group 2
then matches the first instance of a time into group 3
but then group 4 grabs all the remaining string.

I've tried changing the time pattern into


 but that doesn't seem to mean "grab one or more cases of the previous

Any Python regexp gurus with a hint would be greatly appreciated.



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