Thanks Peter, because you have understood my need: a little understanding of readlines() function.
# Following snippets of code is running in infinitive loop, but it is not necessary too be worried about processor utilization because the readline waits for the data on the serial port and the code continues to run when data occurs or when timeout passes. # my python script tries to read a lot of data (the histograms) and that can take many times (3 min) to download one file. and data do not arrived in the same time you can wait few seconds between data ( data response for the same command). do you think that readlines() function will wait until all data are arrived or when the timeout expired ? if the data take more time, the readlines() will wait or will break on the timeout ? with hyperterminal the data are echoed when they arrived and you can see that they do not arrived all the same time. the timeout is reset when the first data arrived or it is only ignored ? --