> I'm not calling COMMIT at all.

Then you must be using autocommit if your records stay in
the table. An DB-API 2.0 compliant adapter should turn off
autocommit by default! Does MyISAM even support proper
commit handling?

Oh well, Oracle will probably kill MySQL soon. Good! I'd
use a real database system. It hurts my Swedish heart that
one of the best known Swedish software products is so bad.

It's one thing for some more inventive product like Skype
to pave its own path, but to build something called an
SQL database with such a complete disregard of the SQL
standard seems like Microsoft in the 80's or 90's to me.

If you must have a Swedish database server, use Mimer,
otherwise PostgreSQL 8.2 is a good open source alternative,
and all the major vendors have gratis versions now.
Oracle is a resource hog, and a pain to download and
install though.

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