
Peter Mayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Torsten Bronger wrote:
>>>>> Another example: is Java the bytecode, which is compiled from
>>>>> Java the language, interpreted or not? Even when the HotSpot
>>>>> JIT cuts in?
>>>> It is partly interpreted and partly compiled.  That's why it's
>>>> faster than Python.
>>> But Python is partly interpreted and partly compiled too
>> It's byte-compiled for a VM, that's not the same, and you know
>> it.
> Do you mean that Python is byte-compiled for a VM, and not Java,
> or vice-versa?

I mean "Python is byte-compiled for a VM".

>> I agree that the distinction between interpreted and compiled
>> languages is not as clear as between positiv and negative
>> numbers, however, neither anybody has claimed that so far, nor it
>> is necessary.  It must be *practical*, i.e. a useful rule of
>> thumb for decision making.  If you really know all implications
>> (pros and cons) of interpreted languages, it's are very useful
>> rule in my opinion.
> So what kind of practical decisions are you trying to make?

Which language should I use for my project.

> What kind of implications are useful to you?

Speed, ease of programming, necessity to learn/use a secondary
language, issues with distributing, portability.


Torsten Bronger, aquisgrana, europa vetus            ICQ 264-296-646

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