Paul Probert wrote:

[snip my slightly-snotty quoting of the sleep.time docs]

>    Thanks, but yes, I had read that before posting. One would think, 
> though, that the extra 200 seconds is a bit extreme to be blamable on 
> system scheduling granularity.

I didn't intend to invoke scheduling granularity, I was implying that 
under high system load it may take much longer for the sleep to "come back".

>    I'm starting to think we've got a worm of some kind. If so, its 
> invisible to our Norton AV corporate.

If you don't see any appreciable load on the machines (I read that 
you're seeing the same thing on several diverse machines elsewhere in 
this thread), then yes, I'd agree that /something/ strange is going on.

Unfortunately this sounds like one of those things that will require 
"laying on of hands" to diagnose.  Good luck!  Let us know how it turns 
out, I'm curious. :)
Benji York

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