I have some in-house python for dem2xyz but it isn't pretty.  I would
suggest starting with ftp.blm.gov/pub/gis/dem2xyz6.zip ; it is a C
program with source for just such conversions (my initial dem2xyz.py is
a direct python rewrite of the C code).  I think it's actually easier
to read in C (when reading C I expect C conventions, when reading
python I expect Python, this is C written in python and it gives off an
ugly vibe)

Sorry so long, the task is more complicated than a quick small script.

Anyway, for what it is worth:
#Python rewrite of 'DEM2XYZ.C' which isn't a friendly compile
# slower than C, sure.  But it should work on Win and UNIX without any
#if this reads like a C program you know why.  Sorry ;)

## from 'DEM2XYZ6.ZIP pulled from ftp.blm.gov
#  Origional Header comments:
#      convert dem to x, y, z format, one dem profile at a time,
#      converts 3 arc second to lat/long,  sol katz, mar. 94,
#      added sampling and cutting to size, sol katz, apr 94
#      changed the calculation of start position in sampling code,
#                                          sol katz, jan 95
#      ver 4, got rid of last 160 bytes on header line. sol katz, mar

class DEM:
    mapLabel = None
    DEMlevel = None
    elevationPattern = None
    groundSystem = None
    groundZone = None
    projectParams = []
    planeUnitOfMeasure = None
    elevUnitOfMeasure = None
    polygonSizes = None
    groundCoords = {}
    elevBounds = None
    localRotation = None
    accuracyCode = None

    spatialResolution = ()

    profileDimension = None
    unknownA = None
    unknownB = None
    unknownC = None
    unknownD = None
    unknownE = None
    unknownF = None
    unknownG = None
    unknownH = None

    colStr = 0
    def writeNormal(self, oh, XCoord, YCoord):
        if self.spatialResolution[1] == 3.0:
            #3 degrees of arc
            XCoord = XCoord / 3600.0
            YCoord = YCoord / 3600.0

        self.cellCount = 0

        for r in range(self.firstRow, self.lastRow, self.rowInt):
            #scale the raw value
            tempFloat = float(self.base[r]) * self.verticalScale
            oh.write("%f %f %i\n" % (XCoord, YCoord, int(tempFloat)))
            self.cellCount += 1
            #move up the delta y distance
            YCoord += self.deltaY
        return None

    def writeSubset(self, oh, XCoord, YCoord):
        return None

    def getheader(self, fh):
        print ""
        self.mapLabel = fh.read(144)
        print "Map label: %s" % self.mapLabel

        self.DEMlevel = int(fh.read(6))
        print "DEMlevel: %i" % self.DEMlevel

        self.elevationPattern = int(fh.read(6))
        print "elevation Pattern: %i" % self.elevationPattern

        self.groundSystem = int(fh.read(6))
        print "planimetric reference system: %i" % self.groundSystem

        self.groundZone = int(fh.read(6))
        print "ground Zone: %i" % self.groundZone

        #pull off 15, 24 byte sections and store in projectParams list
        for k in range(5):
            for l in range(3):
                value = fh.read(24)
                #we need to handle the exponent.. a simple float()
ain't doing the trick.
        print "proj: %15.7f %15.7f %15.7f" % (self.projectParams[-3],
self.projectParams[-2], self.projectParams[-1])

        self.planeUnitOfMeasure = int(fh.read(6))
        print "plane Unit Of Measure: %i" % self.planeUnitOfMeasure

        self.elevUnitOfMeasure = int(fh.read(6))
        print "elevation measurement units code: %i" %

        self.polygonSizes = int(fh.read(6))
        print "polygon Sides: %i" % self.polygonSizes

        #nested list, ((lat,lng),(lat,lng),(lat,lng),(lat,lng))
        for k in ["NW", "NE", "SW", "SE"]:
            #NW, NE, SW, SE
            lat = float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E"))
            lng = float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E"))

            self.groundCoords[k] = (lat, lng)
            print "%s (%15.5f, %15.5f)" % (k, lat, lng)

        self.elevBounds = (
            float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E")),
            float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E"))

        self.localRotation = float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E"))

        self.accuracyCode = fh.read(6)
        print "Min: %15.5f, Max: %15.5f, Accuracy Code: %s" %
(self.elevBounds[0], self.elevBounds[1], self.accuracyCode)

        self.spatialResolution = (

        print "Spatial Resolution: %15.5f, %15.5f, %15.5f" %



        self.profileDimension = (
        print "map size is %i x %i" % (self.profileDimension[0],
        #dump the next 160 bytes
        self.unknownA = fh.read(6)
        self.unknownB = fh.read(16)
        self.unknownC = fh.read(2)
        self.unknownD = fh.read(2)
        self.unknownE = fh.read(2)
        self.unknownF = fh.read(4)
        self.unknownG = fh.read(4)
        self.unknownH = fh.read(124)

        return None

    def processProfiles(self, fh, oh):
        lastProfile = 0
        for c in range(self.columnCount):
            print "Working on column %s" % c
            current, next = fh.read(6), fh.read(6)
                profileID = {"current": int(current), "next":
                raise "Failed: %s, %s" % (repr(current), repr(next))

            print repr(profileID)
            #profileID = (fh.read(6), int(fh.read(6)))
            profileSize = {"alpha": int(fh.read(6)), "beta":
            print repr(profileSize)
            #profileSize = (int(fh.read(6)), int(fh.read(6)))

            planCoords = (
                float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E")),
                float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E")),
            print "planCoords: %15.5f, %15.5f" % planCoords

            localElevation = float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E"))
            elevExtremea = (
                float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E")),
                float(fh.read(24).replace("D", "E"))

            #'kludge to force the end of processing'???
            #if (profileID["current"] - 1) != lastProfile:
            #    print "%s - 1 != %s" % (profileID["current"],
            #    print "%i lines were written to the file" %
            #    return None

            lastProfile = profileID["next"]
            print "Column %i has %i rows" % (profileID["next"],
            self.firstRow = int(planCoords[1] - self.southMostSample) /

            self.lastRow = self.firstRow + profileSize["alpha"]

            #skip ahead to the first row
            self.base = []
            for r in range(self.firstRow):

            for r in range(self.firstRow, self.lastRow):
                value = fh.read(6)
                print self.firstRow, r, self.lastRow, repr(value)
                    raise "the horrors of war!"

            #if cutting out a section, adjust the rows
            if outType == 2:
                self.firstRow = rowStr
                planCoords[1] = planCoords[1] + (self.firstRow - 1) *
                lastRow = max(lastRow, rowEnd)

            mod = c % colInt
            if mod == 0 and c >= self.colStr:
                if outType == 2:
                    writeSubset(oh, planCoords[0], planCoords[1])
                    D.writeNormal(oh, planCoords[0], planCoords[1])

            #trailer bytes?

        return None

YMAX = 2048
XMAX = 2048
SW = 0
NW = 1
NE = 2
SE = 3

infile = "/home/jkane/pypov-0.0.2/rawdata/1843.CDO"

print "DEM to x,y,z ascii file, Python variation based on C version 6"
print "  Python version by Jason Kane, BroadLink Communications 2004"
print "  C version by Sol Katz, BLM April 1997"

fh = open(infile)
D = DEM()

D.verticalScale = 1.0

#easy enough...
if D.spatialResolution[0] == 3.0:
    comp = 2.0
    D.deltaY = D.spatialResolution[0] / 3600
    comp = 0.0
    D.deltaY = D.spatialResolution[0]

D.eastMost = max(D.groundCoords["NE"][0], D.groundCoords["SE"][0])
D.westMost = min(D.groundCoords["NW"][0], D.groundCoords["SW"][0])
D.northMost = max(D.groundCoords["NE"][1], D.groundCoords["NW"][1])
D.southMost = min(D.groundCoords["SW"][1], D.groundCoords["SE"][1])

#trunc' up to nearest spatialResolution
D.eastMostSample = int(D.eastMost / D.spatialResolution[0]) *
D.westMostSample = int((D.westMost + comp) / D.spatialResolution[0]) *
D.northMostSample = int(D.northMost / D.spatialResolution[1]) *
D.southMostSample = int((D.southMost + comp) / D.spatialResolution[1])
* int(D.spatialResolution[1])

if D.spatialResolution == 3.0:
    #it's a 1x1 degree DEM
    print "eastMostSample: %10f, westMostSample: %10f" %
(D.eastMostSample / 3600, D.westMostSample / 3600)
    print "northMostSample: %10f, southMostSample: %10f" %
(D.northMostSample / 3600, D.southMostSample / 3600)

D.columnCount = (D.eastMostSample - D.westMostSample) /
int(D.spatialResolution[0]) + 1
D.rowCount = (D.northMostSample - D.southMostSample) /
int(D.spatialResolution[1]) + 1

if D.columnCount != D.profileDimension[1]:
    print "CALCULATED column Count %i != HEADER %i" % (D.columnCount,
    print "will use SMALLER column Count"
    D.columnCount = min(D.profileDimension[1], D.columnCount)

print "number of rows %i, number of columns %i" % (D.rowCount,
colInt = 1
D.rowInt = 1
outType = input("Enter 0 for all, 1 for samples, 2 for subset : ")

if outType == 1:
    colInt = input("Enter Column sample interval : ")
    D.rowInt = input("Enter row sample interval : ")
    D.deltaY = D.deltaY * D.rowInt

elif outType == 2:
    D.colStr = input("Enter start column (from left) : ")
    colEnd = input("Enter end column (from left) : ")
    rowStr = input("Enter start row (from bottom) : ")
    rowEnd = input("Enter end row (from bottom) : ")

D.verticalScale = input("Enter a vertical scaling factor: ")

if (outType == 2 and D.columnCount > colEnd):
    D.columnCount = colEnd

outfile = "outfile.xyz"
oh = open(outfile, "w")

D.processProfiles(fh, oh)

print "%i lines were written to the file." % D.cellCount


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