Alexander Schmolck wrote: > I wanted to point > out that one could with just as much justification claim CL to be more dynamic > than python (it is in some regards, but not in others -- how to weight them to > achieve some overall "score" is not obvious.
I think it's worth pointing out that not all dynamicism is equal, when it comes to difficulty in compiling to machine code. > For example in CL you could just write > > def foo(x, l=[], N=len(l)): [...] Although computing default arguments at call-time vs. define-time is arguably more dynamic, it really doesn't (appreciably) increase the difficulty in creating machine code. I think (see Caveat) that the one major difference between Lisp and Python that has a major bearing on compilability is mutability. Lisp, like the good functional language that it is, has (primarily) immutable values, and minimal side effects. That is, you can make a function that takes in one value, and outputs a different value, but once you have a handle on a value, that value doesn't ever change. That makes it comparatively easy to track value paths, and assign proper machine code to each operation. Python, on the other hand, is mutable to an absurd degree, with reassignments and side effects galore. Even a relatively simple function like: def f(): act(module.value) random_function() act(module.value) can't be (automatically) replaced with the "obvious" equivalent: def f(): mv = module.value act(mv) random_function() act(mv) because of the off chance that random_function() will reassign module.value. Even if you look at random_function(), and rule out a change to module.value, there is always a chance that a some other thread will alter module.value in the mean time. Trivial example, true, but when you figure that you can do the same to any operation or builtin function, the compiler is never quite sure what a particular function will do, what side effects it may have, or what type it will return. In order to be ready for any contingency, a compiled Python program will effectively have to incorporate the entire interpreter. C/C++ gets around the mutability issue by straight-jacketing types & functions. A variable will only contain a particular type (or a subclass), and a function always has a particular signature. Granted, there are ways of doing heavy duty code analysis, and pinning down functions, types, and side effects in Python, and Psyco/PyPy/ShedSkin are making good strides in that regards. But due to the heavy dependency on mutable objects and side effects in Python, such analysis will never be as easy as with Lisp, and considering Python has had less time, and less investment in those areas, it's no wonder that it's only just now seeing progress on the compiler front. * Caveat: I've never seriously programmed in Lisp, and the last time I looked at it was some time ago, with not-up-to-date reference materials. I might be mistaken about the extent of mutability in current versions of Lisp. Hopefully others with more knowledge can give more accurate details of mutability/side effects in Lisp vis-a-vis ease of compilation. --