Matt Trivisonno wrote: > Hi Everybody, > > If I were to use Komodo to write in Python, would it add a lot of goo to my > code such that I would not be able to switch to another IDE without having to > claw my way out of a tarpit first? > > Any other thoughts on Komodo? I am considering it because I am hoping to find > a solution to the install-packages-until-you-go-blind aspect of Python. > Setting up a serious, cross-platform, gui development environment is quite a > struggle for a newbie.
I work myself currently with the Kommodo IDE (but have not done an thorough evaluation of the market before choosing it). The "lock-in" question would be solved, if Active State would go open-source with Kommodo. Even a partial open-source would solve this: If the project-management subsystems would go open-source, other IDE's could adopt them, ensuring a cohesive standard across the dynamic communities. - I have made a compact review of Active State, which will possibly give you some relevant information: Note that some things have changed since the review, which could simplify the process of going open source even more: "Active State, a Division of Sophos" has become "ActiveState Software Inc." . -- --