[Chris Smith wrote]
> >>>>> "mik3" == mik3  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     mik3> hi this is a question regarding installing Activestate
>     mik3> python whenever i try to install the latest Activestate
>     mik3> Python on WinXP SP2, it gives me error saying "The wizard
>     mik3> was interrupted before Activestate 2.4.2 could be completely
>     mik3> installed. Your system has not been modified ....."  any
>     mik3> ideas why this is going on?  thanks
> Administrator?
> Writeable drive?
> Is there an install log file you could locate?

As "David" mentioned on activepython@listserv.activestate.com, could
this be due to an anti-virus program aborting the install on you?

You could generate an install log to see if that yields some clues:


Trent Mick

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