I'm writing a simple yet powerful text editor for GNOME that is great for Python development called Scribes. It features
Snippets (ala Textmate/Eclipse) Automatic word completion Automatic indentation Automatic bracket completion Automatic saving Bookmarks Syntax Highlight etc.. Flash Movie: http://scribes.sf.net/snippets.htm Gif Screencast: http://www.minds.may.ie/~dez/images/blog/scribes.html Hompage: http://scribes.sf.net/ It's faster, lighter, simpler and as powerful than the alternatives, and most important it never gets in your way and you would never need to decipher cryptic manuals to do anything moderately productive, unlike some other editors. It's free software too, give it a try. As a bonus, it's written in Python. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list