Ville Vainio enlightened us with: > When you write your own framework, you are helping yourself.
True. And if that doesn't have a negative effect on others (which I think it doesn't) there is nothing wrong with that. > If you use an existing framework and possibly contribute patches to > it, you help other people too. Also true, but there is more to it. If I can create my own framework, get more experienced, and be able to spare time in the long run because I can quickly implement features I want, it makes me a more efficient and experienced person. That leaves me more useful when helping people, and gives me more time to help them too. > - Other people have already solved your problems I have no problems. My web framework is working just as I want it to. > also problems that you can't think of yet. What problems didn't I think of yet? > - Not reusing code is just plain evil. I'm using mod_python, Cheetah, SQLObject and PostgreSQL. I publish all my own code under an Open Source license so other people can learn from and contribute to it. How am I not reusing code? Sybren -- The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? Frank Zappa --