Hi, 1585 if sys.path[0][-12:] == "\library.zip": #for py2exe
how about if sys.path[0].endswith( "\\library.zip" ): (did you really mean one back-slash there?) 499 tuple = os.path.split(filename) bad variable name... tuple(x) converts a sequence to a tuple. You have a number of places where you check for len(x)==0: 674 if len(files) == 0: 853 if len(file_show) == 0: 950 if len(imgprocess["files_todo"]) == 0: people usually recommend: if not files: if not file_show: if not imgprocess["files_todo"]: you should run your code through pychecker (it had a lot to say...). You use global alot... that should be a red flag. Like the poster above mentioned, you have things that are telling you they want to be objects. The #{{{ and #}}} stuff is very annoying to other programmers (ok, to me...). You might want to investigate a Python aware editor (like SPE, which has pychecker built in). This is coming from someone who uses vim regularly. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list