On 2/14/2006 11:25 AM, abcd wrote:
> I am using Python to create a process on another computer.  Both
> computers are on the same domain with admin privileges.
> On computer B I have a batch script which starts a python script.  From
> computer A I am doing the following:
> import wmi
> w = wmi.WMI("")
> p = w.new("Win32_Process")
> pid, retVal = p.Create(CommandLine="C:\\a_script.bat")
> print pid, retVal
> The output I get is, 1218 0  ....0 = "Successful Completion"
> .....however the python script that is called from the batch script
> never seems to run or at least only for a split second.  Sometimes I
> see python.exe appear in the task manager on computer B for a split
> second then it goes away.  So I went to computer B and double clicked
> on the batch script, and sure enough a command opened up and the python
> script was running...and stayed running...no problem.   I should
> mention, that sometimes it will execute the batch script and the Python
> script will run and stay running.  That has only happened after trying
> to do "p.Create(CommandLine....)" more than once, but not every time I
> try.
> Any ideas why its not working for me remotely....or why its random?
> These are win xp machines with no firewalls running.

Troubleshooting context issues seems the right track. Consider:

  -Start a_script.bat using %windir%\system32\runas.exe ([/noprofile | 
/profile] [/env] [/netonly] Play with parameters to set and explore 
context issues.

  -Use the (well respected) psexec.exe from Sysinternals to confirm 
remote execution using another means.

  -Also from Sysinternals get and use ProcessExplorer, FileMon, TDIMon 
and TCPMon

Other (possibly insulting to mention, please forgive) win batch 
troubleshooting steps:
  -REM out "@echo off" if any.

  -Place a strategic "pause" in the batch to hold the command window open.

  -Direct output from commands in the bat to a file "set > 
c:\temp\bat_out1.txt" then look at the creator, owner, etc.

Prophylactic measures & things that effect the user context behavior:
  -Check "launch folder windows in a seperate process" in 
Explorer/Tools/Folder Options/View or you will not be able to run 
explorer.exe as an alternate user.
  -Uncheck "use simple file sharing" in same as above.

FWIW Getting runas to to fire cmd.exe, then a .bat can be tricky, I use 
this to wrap runas, maybe it will help:
:: Wrapper for runas.exe
:: If called with a parameter use it as target, otherwise start cmd.exe
:: !Note: /savecred is is convenient, but not very secure!
:: LAST EDIT EBS 2006-02-10

::@echo off

:: !Change _USER to domain and user to run as!
set _USER=domain\user

if %1! == ! (
     %SYSTEMROOT%/system32/runas.exe /savecred /noprofile /user:%_USER% 
"cmd.exe cd /D c:\\\_utils\"
     goto END
) else (
     %SYSTEMROOT%/system32/runas.exe /savecred /user:%_USER% "%~f1"


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