On 2006-02-17, Daniel Crespo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I want to print a PDF right from my python app transparently. With
> "transparently" I mean that no matter what program handles the print
> petition, the user shouldn't be noticed about it.

This works for me:

   system("lpr whatever.pdf")

Or alternatively,


> For example, when I want to print a PDF, Adobe Acrobat fires and keep
> opened. This is what I don't want to happen (and I thing there are a
> lot of people who want this too). So I just want to send the PDF to the
> right handler and print it. That's all.

See above.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  hubub, hubub, HUBUB,
                                  at               hubub, hubub, hubub, HUBUB,
                               visi.com            hubub, hubub, hubub.

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