Al Balmer wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Feb 2006 23:59:19 GMT, Kenny Tilton
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Ulrich Hobelmann wrote:
>>>Xah Lee wrote:
>>>>here's a site: that takes socially
>>>>important predictions. I might have to enter one or two.
>>>>i longed for such a accountable predictions for a long time. Usually,
>>>>some fucking fart will do predictions, but the problem is that it's not
>>>OMG, he's back.
>>>I predict, Xah will haunt us for years to come.
>>WTF is wrong with Xah? He posts an occasional article in good faith and 
>>leaves it at that. ignoring the insults that follow.
> Apparently you've never actually read one of his articles.

Have you read his web page? Like I did? Get back to me after you come up 
to speed on Xah.

>>In the end we have one good-faith article and a bunch of personal 
>>attacks from a Usenet chorus of self-appointed finger-shakers creating 
>>more pollution than he ever did.
>>If only some of the people castigating Xah for daring to use Usenet 
>>would post as rarely as he, and show as much restraint.
> Restraint? Now I know you haven't read it.

<g> Note that I was not endorsing the content.

The restraint I was talking about was in ignoring you. If you and 
everyone else ignored his articles there would not be this thread. Which 
  is not being dragged out by Xah.

You all dis Xah, yet he is larger than you: you cannot resist heaping 
abuse on him. If you could, his articles would appear and disappear 
without leaving a trace. Instead we get people with half his wit making 
lame attempts at witty put-downs, embarrassing only themselves.

Xah acknowledges his problem, you clowns do not even know you have one.


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