Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:

>Em Qua, 2006-02-15 às 00:30 +0000, LittlePython escreveu:
>>I really do not wish to limit myself to MS. My bread and butter is MS but I
>>am a BSD fan at heart. I wanted to learn something I can use in both.
>Please start by not top-posting ;-). Also, see
>http://www.mono-project.com/VisualBasic.NET_support .
Sigh! This has been bothering me for some time. I tend to bottom post 
primarily because people here are so anal about it.

In any case, I actually prefer top posting. Reading the New message 
first is better (because I get lot of mail). If I need to be reminded of 
context I can always scan down. It makes much more sense to me.

Some people or group of people decided bottom posting was better and it 
MUST be that way. To me that even goes against one of the main 
philosophies of Linux which is that of choice. So, to any who think, 
otherwise... there is absolutely NOTHING wrong or incorrect about TOP 
posting. OK, rant mode off. I feel better now! I got that off my chest!



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