On 2006-02-13, Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is technically off-topic, but scite/scinitilla seems to
> have a particular connection to the Python community.
> I just tried scite for the first time and rather like it.  It
> uses GTK, which is shared with my desktop (XFCE) so it starts
> up fast.  It's fairly lean (at least by Emacs/Gnome/KDE
> standards), but I don't think I can un-learn emacs keybindings.
> Are emacs keybindings availble for scite somehow?

It seems there isn't.  

And it's apparently not possible.

Scintilla only supports single-key bindings, so there's no way
to impliment "prefix" keys like emacs's META or Ctrl-C. :(

I guess that's the end of Scite for me.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I'll show you MY
                                  at               telex number if you show
                               visi.com            me YOURS...

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