[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > There are now more than 300 tutorials listed at > www.awaretek.com/tutorials.html so one could even imagine a > "mega-tutorial" using the best-of-breed tutorial for each sub-section, > a la Turbogears ;-)))
We certainly don't need 300 tutorials. :) Pick the best in the most relevant categories and promote them to official status. In a way this is obviously like Turbo Gears... Pick the best ones and package them together. I don't think we need a lot of categories though. I think we should be conservative in what we officially promote, and leave the pointers to various special interests to the wiki. Perhaps one tutorial official is enough? In that case it should be Swaroop's. That's the core language tutorial. Mark's is more a series of visits to the great land of Python applications, and That's what I'm proposing. I looked at a few of the beginners tutorials in the list above. Some are pretty old, others are present a really bad introduction to Python, showing poor coding style and a poor understanding of Python. The current official tutorial isn't ideal for beginners without previous programming experience, and providing a big bunch of links for beginners to wade through (as in http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide ) is far from ideal. There are more than 40 links on that page for the beginners to ponder over, and if they decide to follow the BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers link, they find another 20+ links. These 60+ links are more or less equally prominent. There is no "Go *HERE* first. If you have special interests, you might want to look at something in this list of other resources as well". I'm pretty sure it hadn't looked like this if the official tutorial had been good enough. Somehow, the state of Python tutorials remind me of Python web application toolkits... I think that one good indication that a tutorial is good, is that it's been translated to other languages. The ones I know have been translated are Swaroop's, Mark Pilgrims, Alan Gaulds, and Danny Yoo's Idle tutorial. Out of these, Swaroop's and Pilgrim's are the "proper" Python Tutorials. Danny's is an intro to Idle (which is a good thing) and Alan's is really more focussed on programing in general than on Python, although Python is the main vehicle. (Just like How to Think Like a Computer Scientist.) -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list