On 2006-02-11, Kenneth Xie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> att, thx.

A lot of the ideas discussed in Effective C++ et al are things that
Python does for us already.  C++ works at a much lower layer of
abstraction and you need to deal explicitly with freestore for any
nontrivial class.

EC++ is mostly about how NOT to crash your programs.

The Python Cookbook is a "more pythonic" version of the same
idea--proven techniques appropriate to the abstraction level of the

Design Patterns is worth reading as well, but be careful with it.  Many
of the ideas that are difficult to do in C++, Java, Smalltalk, etc
(singletons come to mind) are trivially easy to do in Python because of
how our object model works.

Bruce Eckle's "Thinking in Python" gives a pattern introduction
explaining how things work in Python that can give you a sprinboard to
adapting other patterns from C++ et al.

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