> ....  The problem was that I didn't have the right jpeg library installed
> (although what I had was enough to show jpegs in gThumb, GIMP and the
> Gnome and KDE desktops so I don't understand why it wasn't). I had to
> also install a jpeg development library, which fortunately was
> available on my Fedora Core 3 installation disc....

The problem is in the name chosen by _lots_ of distributions.  A "jpeg
developer library" or any other of the "development libraries" are not
just for those who intend to "develop" jpeg, but really for those who
"develop programs" -- that is run compilers and linkers.  If you need
to compile and link a program that uses one of these libraries, you need
the "developer library."  Even if the only sense in which you are a
developer is that you are rebuilding Fredrik's code.

--Scott David Daniels

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