> hi
> i have some output that returns a lines of tuples eg
> ('sometext1', 1421248118, 1, 'P ')
> ('sometext2', 1421248338, 2, 'S ')
> and so on
> ....
> I tried this
> re.sub(r" '() ",'',str(output)) but it only get rid of the ' and not
> the braces. I need to write the output to a file such that
> sometext1, 1421248118, 1, P
> sometext2, 1421248338, 2, S
> I also tried escaping , re.sub(r" '\(\) ",'',str(output)) but also did
> not work
> How can i get rid of the braces before writing to file? thanks

If it is as uniform as shown, may be you can strip them.

"('something', 1234, 1, 'P ')".strip(" ()")


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