Eddie Corns wrote:
> Jay Parlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I was hoping to get some c.l.p. opinions on O'Reilly's new Twisted book.
> Well I certainly felt that I understood it better after reading the book.
> OTOH I haven't tried to put that knowledge into practice yet.
> I think calling it a cookbook is misleading, it shows how to do essential
> tasks using fairly complete examples.

It's really more of an example based tutorial book than cookbook.
What it does do really well is 'networking programming essentials'. I
found it quite a good book and managed to write a distributed ssh cron
tool in an evening after reading the sections on SSH.

What I'd really like now is a 'Web Application Development with
Twisted/Nevow' book that takes off where this 'network protocol'
oriented book leaves off.

Tim Parkin

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