> The code for handling window resizing isn't jumping out at 
> me but I'll keep looking.

(...jumping out, rather unexpectedly!)

You might be interested in an ongoing discussion that I and Grant Edwards are 
holding in this newsgroup on the subject "Best way of finding terminal 

Thread summary:

There's a function that Chuck Blake wrote for detecting the current terminal 
size, available here:


You'll only need the first two functions for this task (ioctl_GWINSZ and 

To monitor changes in window size, have a look at the signal module (in 
standard library). You can attach a monitor function to the signal 
signal.SIGWINCH, like so:

signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, report_terminal_size_change)

or, in context:

from cls import terminal_size

current_terminal_size = terminal_size()

_bTerminalSizeChanged = False

def report_terminal_size_change(signum, frame):
    global _bTerminalSizeChanged
    _bTerminalSizeChanged = True

def update_terminal_size():
    global _bTerminalSizeChanged, current_terminal_size
    current_terminal_size = terminal_size()
    _bTerminalSizeChanged = False

signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, report_terminal_size_change) 

while True:
    if _bTerminalSizeChanged:
        print current_terminal_size

Take care!

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