Hello to all,

I'm trying to reproduce the PipeService1 from Mark Hammond's "Python 
programming on win32" (which you can get on M. Hammond web site, in the 
sample package, chapter 18). I googled this but there's not much posts 
about this topic.

I'm trying to use the Service frame in that example but using the 
SocketServer module to manage the socket connections. Specifically, the 
SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer seem to do the job and since it's 
working right out of the box, I rather use this then write my own.  My 
problem is that in the example, within the infinite loop any 
deamon/service must have, the script is actually waiting for either of 
two events to occur before it'll move: the first one to stop the 
service, the second one is used to tell the process that a client is 
waiting. I'm ok with the stopping event. But unless I use the win32pipe 
module, I don't see any way I could tell my script there's a client 
knocking at the socket. But if so, I can't use the ThreadingTCPServer 
and I must manage my connections by myself.

The idea I have is to start a thread in which the ThreadingTCPServer 
would run but I'm not sure about what will happen when the service will 
be stop. Will all that sub-threads be killed? If so I'm ok with it.

If you have any other idea, I'm all open....

ps : I'm new to this group so please accept my apologies if I don't 
respect any rule about how to send post or anything. I couldn't find any 
site containing any such indication.

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