Terry Reedy wrote:
> "Bryan Olson" wrote:
>>I made a script with 100,000 if's, (code below) and it appears
>>to work on a couple systems, including Python 2.4.2 on Win32-XP.
>>So at first cut, it doesn't seem to be just the if-count that
>>triggers the bug.
> The OP did not specify whether all of his if-tests were sequential as in 
> your test or if some were nested.  I vaguely remember there being an indent 
> limit (40??).

A 40-level indent limit is reasonable (I may get around to looking
it up and/or testing it), but if we believe 'slogging' and Alan, what
we have here is an outright Python bug. They did not report a message
about static code being too deeply nested, nor about dynamic calls
exceeding a recursion limit. They reported incorrect behavior.

My favorite joke goes:

     Patient:  Doctor...doctor -- it hurts when I do that! (With 'that'
     being some movement that is unusual but normally innocuous.)

     Doctor:  Don't do that.

Ah...cracks me up. Funny on so many levels.


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