Martin v. Löwis wrote:
> In general, the only Microsoft-supported strategy is that you
> must use only a single msvcrt in the entire application. So
> either recompile PostGres, or recompile Python.

Hm, that's really inconvenient (even more so under Windows).

> In the specific case, having PQprint print to a string (rather
> than to a file) might work. OTOH, it appears there is no "print
> to string" code in postgres.

Yes, there is only PQprint which prints to a stream.

> So here is another strategy: flush the stream before going
> into postgres, then obtain the fileno() of the stream, and
> fdopen it with postgres' iostreams library. That might also
> be tricky to implement, but could work.

I understand what you mean. But the Postgres dll provides no means to 
fdopen a new stream.

-- Christoph

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