On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, malv wrote:

> Maybe this is too simplistic, but given two programs, one in Python the 
> other in Java or C#. Would this mean that running the latter on a dual 
> core processor would significantly increase execution speed, whereas the 
> Python program would be running in one processor only without any speed 
> up?
> Is a Java program capable of this "out of the box" or does this require 
> specific additional code?

If i understand the question correctly, the latter - you need to take 
explicit action to make use of two processors in Java, or any other 
mainstream language.

What i think you're asking is whether code like this:

public class MyApp

        public static void main(String[] args)
                // do a bunch of stuff


will run faster with two cores. The answer to that is definitely no (more 
or less - see below!); this program has one thread of execution, and each 
thread can only use one core at a time, so this program will only use one 
core. In order to use multiple cores, you need multiple threads:

public class MyApp implements Runnable

        public static final int NUM_THREADS = 4 ; // or whatever

        public static void main(String[] args)
                for (int i = 0 ; i < NUM_THREADS ; ++i)
                        new Thread(new MyApp()).start() ;

        public void run()
                // do a bunch of stuff


This program will get a roughly proportional speedup from multiple cores, 
provided the actual work can be done without the threads threading on each 
others' toes. If you try the equivalent in python (using the threading 
module), you, AIUI, won't get a significant speedup, as python is 
essentially single-threaded (is that really true?).

Now, as i promised above, the thing about single-threaded programs not 
getting a speedup from multiple cores is not quite right. The thing is, a 
program in which a single thread is executing your code is not actually 
single-threaded - there are other threads running in the background, doing 
mysterious system stuff; with the Sun 1.5.0 JVM on Windows XP, a minimal 
program has eight threads running. One of the things those threads are 
doing - or will be once JVMs start to adapt to the multi-core world - is 
garbage collection; GC can eat a measurable, although not huge, fraction 
of your execution time, so farming it out to a second core should speed 
your program up a bit.


PS Excuse any errors in the java - it's a long time since i've written 

Through the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see.

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