Harlin Seritt wrote:
> I have two windows. One is a main config window. The other is an 'Add
> Setting' window. Both are using two different classes.
> Once the Add Setting button is clicked on the Add Setting window, the
> setting is written to file. At that time the main config window should
> update its setting listing but it doesn't because it doesn't know it
> should.
> I do notice that when the Add Setting window closes, the focus goes
> right back to the main config window. Is there a "has focus" event that
> can trigger a command for this window?
> Also, if there is another way to get this done, I am open to
> suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Harlin Seritt

You may want to use focus_set() to make sure a widget has focus, and 
event_generate() to send an event. I've noticed that events generated in 
parents will by processed by children that have focus. Both seem to be 
from the Widget interface.


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