I've published sample code that uses Python on the server side to implement AJAX type ahead completion for web forms. Please see documentation with links to examples and downloads at
http://xsdb.sourceforge.net/xFeed.html "Type ahead completion" is a form of AJAX (asyncronous javascript with XML) functionality where the page attempts to suggest completions for partial form values by consulting a web server component in the background. Google Suggest is a famous example. For examples using my python code please see http://www.xfeedme.com/zip/zipcompletions_async.html or http://www.xfeedme.com/xsdbXML/xFeed/BookMatch.html. These pages must be viewed with a recent browser such as FireFox 1.5, Safari 2.0, or IE 6.0. The AJAX server component is configured for use either as a Python CGI script or as a Apache server mod-python module. I hope you enjoy it and use it well :). Please let me know if you have problems with it or other comments. Thanks! -- Aaron Watters === Chemistry may lead to a better life, but Biology is more fun. -- seen on a teeshirt -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list