
Newbie to Python and I have a question please.  I am using Windows XP, SPE 
0.8.2.a and Python24.  I have done this:

import sys
print sys.path

no problem there, sys imports just fine.  I have a folder that I called 
c\JavaProjects\PythonTesting and it shows up in the output from sys.path 
above.  I have dropped a very simple Jar in that folder and I have attempted 
to do an Import on it.  This is where things fail.  I cannot see the 
contents of my Jar.  What am I missing here?

Would somebody please drop me a hint, please?  I would HIGHLY appreciate an 
example; does anybody know of a website or page that would show me how to do 
this?  I realize this is a simple question and I appreciate any help 
somebody would give me.



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