> AttributeError: 'Obj' object has no attribute > '_Object__ls_demanded_links' > -------------------------------------------------- > > Perhaps I'll explain what's going on there. First, the objects' manager > is created, and then also some objects are created. After doing that, > the object called "objA" demands a new link to the other object, called > "objB" (this is the line 81 in the error message above). As the result, > the "demandNewLink" method of the object "objA" is called. This method > calls the "_makeNewLink" method of the objects' manager, and this > method calls the "_makeLinkSafe" method of the object, that demanded a > new link. The last method, called "__makeNewLink" (so this is a > so-called private method), is called then. This last method is supposed > to check if the link was really demanded and then make it "safe" by > placing the information about this link in the proper dictionary > (__ls_existing_links). > > All these methods are the methods of the Object class (defined in > PyObject.py), not of the Obj class (defined in test.py). According to > my knowledge about the OO programming Python should be able to realize, > that the so-called private fields, that are being referred from these > Object class methods, are the private fields of the *Obj class > instance*, not of the *Object class one*.
I didn't find any place where you create your __ls_demanded_links-list. So - how do you expevct it to be found, __-semantics or not? But I _did_ find a self.__ls_demandedLinks. So I guess you got confused in your variable names. After changing that, I got some other errors. So basically this boils down to some simple spelling errors. You migt want to think about using pychecker or pylint or both, and a auto-completion-capable editor like eric or (x)emacs. Diez -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list