Sean wrote:
> I am a newbie in python, and I have a feeling that python provides less
> library support than perl  This seems a big discussion
> topic.
> I want to know if there is extensive algorithm library support in
> python. I know there is a pretty neat module in perl to implement graph
> theory. Is there a graph theory module in python?
> Thanks,

Python's standard library is actually quite extensive; it's one of the 
language's greatest strengths:

However, it is perhaps true that it is lacking in the raw algorithm 
department. On the subject of graphs, a quick Google search brings up 
this nice-looking library:

For computationally intensive array manipulation, there's always good 
ol' numarray:

The standard library can do quite a lot, and if it fails you, there's 
more than likely a third-party library available.

-Kirk McDonald

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