Hi I'm staring to learn python for some systems administration projects and so far this looks like a really great alternative to using shell for everything. The python docs on the web site are really great, but I could use come clarification on passing arguments using the os.spawnlp() function.
For example, if I run "xterm -e /opt/itt/ncbr/bin/linux/bar" I get an xterm executing my nice little test program. However, if I try to run that same commad in python it doesn't work so well. >>> os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "/usr/bin/xterm", "/usr/bin/xterm", "-e >>> /opt/itt/ncbr/bin/linux/bar") 4940 >>> /usr/bin/xterm: bad command line option "-e /opt/itt/ncbr/bin/linux/bar" usage: /usr/bin/xterm [-/+132] [-C] [-Sccn] [-T string] [-/+ah] [-/+ai] [-/+aw] [-b number] [-/+bc] [-bcf milliseconds] [-bcn milliseconds] [-bd color] [-/+bdc] [-bg color] [-bw number] [-/+cb] [-cc classrange] [-/+cjk_width] [-class string] [-/+cm] [-/+cn] [-cr color] [-/+cu] [-/+dc] [-display displayname] [-e command args ...] [-fa pattern] [-fb fontname] [-/+fbb] [-/+fbx] [-fd pattern] [-fg color] [-fi fontname] [-fn fontname] [-fs size] [-fw fontname] [-fwb fontname] [-fx fontname] [%geom] [#geom] [-geometry geom] [-hc color] [-help] [-/+hold] [-iconic] [-/+ie] [-/+im] [-into windowId] [-/+j] [-/+k8] [-kt keyboardtype] [-/+l] [-/+lc] [-lcc path] [-leftbar] [-lf filename] [-/+ls] [-/+mb] [-mc milliseconds] [-/+mesg] [-/+mk_width] [-ms color] [-n string] [-name string] [-nb number] [-/+nul] [-/+pc] [-/+pob] [-rightbar] [-/+rv] [-/+rvc] [-/+rw] [-/+s] [-/+samename] [-/+sb] [-/+sf] [-/+si] [-/+sk] [-sl number] [-/+sm] [-/+sp] [-/+t] [-ti termid] [-title string] [-tm string] [-tn name] [-/+u8] [-/+ulc] [-/+ulit] [-/+ut] [-/+vb] [-version] [-/+wc] [-/+wf] [-xrm resourcestring] [-ziconbeep percent] Type /usr/bin/xterm -help for a full description. I thought maybe I needed a space before the '-e' for some reason, but that didn't really help: >>> os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "/usr/bin/xterm", "/usr/bin/xterm", " -e >>> /opt/itt/ncbr/bin/linux/bar") 4943 >>> No absolute path found for shell: -e /opt/itt/ncbr/bin/linux/bar So, I guess that I'm not reading how to set up the arguments to spawnlp() correctly. Does anyone else have some experience with this? -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list